多謝參加樂華半馬拉松100分精英排名賽。確認電郵已經寄出, 請各參賽者於比賽當日出示或列印此確認電郵領取跑手包。
提醒你,賽事將於2019年1月6日上午9時00分舉行,請謹記比賽當天提早45 至 60 分鐘前到達比賽場地領取跑手包。 由於義工有限,敬請準時領取,逾時不獲派發。
如有疑問 email: cs@lwrc.hk / Whatsapp : 6641 7180
【Lok Wah 100min Half Marathon Elite Race Notice】
All confirmation letter of registered runners of Lok Wah 100min Half Marathon Elite Race sent out. Please show or print this confirmation email for collection the Race Pack.
This is remind you the Race will be held on 2019/1/6 at 9:00am. Please remember to arrive 45 to 60 minutes before the race start for collection the Race Pack .
During our Volunteer is limited, please collect the race pack on time. We will not distributing after the collection session.
Lok Wah Runners Club members MUST wear LWRC vest.
Any questions, please email: cs@lwrc.hk / Whatsapp : 6641 7180